News: Find Your Polling Place on Google
Check out this easy way to find your polling place for the Election tomorrow November 2nd.
News: Debate on Proposition 23 with Dorothy Rothrock and Terry Tamminen
Check out the full length Debate on Proposition 23, on October 21st at the UCLA campus. We have Dorothy Rothrock in favor for Proposition 23 and Terry Tamminen who stands against it. Both argue with great view points but the questions to keep in mind are as following:
News: Meg Whitman is trying to have it both ways on Arizona's Law
By Huffingtonpost Meg Whitman New Spanish- Language AD: I stood up against The Arizona Law
News: No Negative Ads Pledge
Here are Jerry Brown, Meg Whitman and Arnold Schwarzenegger at the Women's Conference a couple weeks ago. The host of the "Today" show, Matt Lauer, asked both gubernatorial candidates if they were willing to get rid of their negative ads and make positive ones instead. Brown said yes but Meg Whitman said no and gets booed by the women in the audience.
News: Full NBC Jerry Brown vs. Meg Whitman Debate
Here is the full NBC Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman debate. Enjoy.
News: 2010 Election Results
10 US election results Democrat|Republican US House: Democrat:185 seats, Republican:239 seats
News: Info on Prop. 22
Proposition 22 Prohibits the state from borrowing or taking funds used for transportation, redevelopment, or local, government projects and services. Initiative constitution amendment.
News: Proposition 25
Prop 25 prevents a suspension in CA’s budget. It means that legislators will not get paid if the budget is not passed on time. A budget will be passed with the vote of a small majority rather than two-thirds like it was before. However, a two-thirds vote is required to increase taxes.
News: Meg Whitmans plans for C.A are the same as Arnold Schwarzenegger.
This may be one of the best political ads by jerry Brown against Meg Whitman. Consider watching it.Is Meg Whitman following Arnold Schwarzenegger's steps? What do you think after watching this?
News: Are you on Twitter? Follow @StopProp23 & watch their doc
I found this Twitter account from As in their name, they're posting constant updates on Prop 23.
News: No on Prop 23 "Don't Mess with California" video
Check out this video from actor / activist David Arquette to help bring attention to the Texas oil interests that are looking to overturn AB 32.
News: Brown Whitman Debate on the Dream Act
On 2 October 2010 Univision held the first Spanish-English debate in the state, which was hosted by CSU Fresno.
News: Brown, Whitman Debate Economic Woes in Calif.
Notice how Meg Whitmans face reacts when Jerry Brown tells her how tax cuts will go to rich people like her and how it will take money away from schools. Go Jerry you tell her!!!
News: Calif. Governor's Race Upended by Immigrant Maid
Do you think that this controversy surrounding GOP nominie Meg Whitman's illegal immigrant housekeeper goingo to affect her votes in her political campaign?
News: Spanish-Language Ads Attack Meg Whitman
A translation via msnbc.comMeg Whitman says she's a different kind of Republican...But Pete Wilson is in charge of her campaign.Whitman attacks undocumented workers to win votes, but an undocumented woman worked in her home for nine years.She says she'll create jobs---but wants to eliminate forty-thousand state job, including teachers and nurses.Whitman says one thing in Spanish---and something different in English.The real Meg Whitman has no shame. She's a two-faced woman. Resource:http://ww...
News: Congresswoman Roybal-Allard serving California's 34th Congressional District
Get to know Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard: Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard was born in Bolye Heights, Los Angeles, County, California on June 12, 1941.
News: Proposition 23 Valero and Tesoro Oil Companies
Valero and Tesoro are known as the biggest oil companies in California. They have spent large amounts of money on the Proposition 23 campaign, Valero with $4,050,000 and Tesoro with $1,525,000, in hopes of passing the Proposition, which would suspend the Assemmbly Bill 32, the Global Warming Act of 2006, until unemployment drops to 5.5% for 4 consequtive quarters. Valero's stand is that the California's Global Warming Act will only cause more lost jobs for California and therefore should not ...
News: Jerry Brown's War on Prop. 23
On September 23, 2010 an article was published from Jerry Brown's website, denouncing Texas Oil who are funding Proposition 23 campaign. Jerry Brown called on Meg Whitman to be honest with her plans to dismantle the state program to fight global warming.
News: Valero Energy Corp.
Valero Energy Corp. is one of many oil companies that supports Proposition 23. Valero Corp. is fined over thousands of dollars for polluting our air...
News: The Importance of Xavier Becerra
Born in Sacramento, CA on January 1, 1958 and raised by two Mexican immigrant parents, Xavier Becerra was the only Hispanic on the House Ways and Means Committee. He was elected vice chair of the Democratic Caucus for 111th Congress and was a reprensentative from California's 31st district. From 1987-90, he was the California Deputy Attorney General. Xavier Becerra was part of the California State Assembly (1990-92) and has been a member of the U.S. State House since 1993.Xavier Becerra is a ...
American Assn for Justice: Recipients
American Assn for Justice is one of the top 5 Contributors, that gave money to congresswoman Maxine Waters.
News: Congresswoman Maxine Waters campaign finance
This link is a summary of her campaign. it shows the amount of money she raised and how much she has spent.
News: Lucille Roybal-Allard achievements
Video of Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard's background and achievements.
News: why people should vote no on Proposition 23
Proposition 23 is the act where they would suspend AB 32, the global warming act of 2006. If proposition 23 is enacted by voter this would pause the porvision of AB 32 until California's unemployment rate drops to a 5.5%. The unemployment rate at this current point is as high as a 12% and has been like that for the exception of 3 times since 1980. supporters call it California Job Anitiative and opponents call it the Dirty Energy Proposition.In this article it states the reason proposition 23...
News: Maxine Waters Article with Video
This is an article about Maxine Waters and how she has tried to defend herself against accusations that she helped bailout OneUnited Bank because her husband had stock there. The article also has a link to video of the news conference she held at Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.
News: Who is Thomas Steyer?
Thomas Steyer has so far donated the most amount of money to the campaign opposing Proposition 23.
News: Should L.A. Up the Amount of Dogs & Cats You Can Own from 3 to 5?
From LAist: As Los Angeles law stands today, you can only own and register up to three cats and/or dogs. More than that would require a resident to qualify for a kennel permit. Now a motion to increase that number to five is gaining traction on both sides of the issue, finds the Daily News.
News: Whitman Sets Record for Most Campaign Self-Financing in US History
From LAist: Meg Whitman has set a new record, having now spent more of her own money on her gubernatorial campaign than any politician has spent in US history, according to abc7.
News: Brown, Whitman duel with new ads aimed at independents
From The LATimes: "Brown, the Democratic nominee, touted talking points — living within California's means, no new taxes without voter approval, returning control to the local level — that could come from a Republican playbook. Whitman, his GOP rival, unveiled her seventh attack ad against Brown, this time enlisting the words of former President Clinton during their contentious 1992 Democratic presidential primary battle. Tellingly, both candidates avoided mention of their political party.