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News: Info on Prop. 22
News: Proposition 25
News: 2010 Election Results
News: Find Your Polling Place on Google
News: Congresswoman Roybal-Allard serving California's 34th Congressional District
News: Republican Mattie Fein viral ad against Democrat & incumbent Jane Harman
News: why people should vote no on Proposition 23
News: Spanish-Language Ads Attack Meg Whitman
News: No Negative Ads Pledge
Prop 23: Yes or no on the state's global warming law
News: Whitman Sets Record for Most Campaign Self-Financing in US History
News: Debate on Proposition 23 with Dorothy Rothrock and Terry Tamminen
News: No on Prop 23 "Don't Mess with California" video
News: Jerry Brown's First TV Ad
News: Brown Whitman Debate on the Dream Act
News: Meg Whitmans plans for C.A are the same as Arnold Schwarzenegger.
News: Meg Whitman is trying to have it both ways on Arizona's Law
News: Are you on Twitter? Follow @StopProp23 & watch their doc
News: Meg for Meg
News: 2010 Election Results
News: Info on Prop. 22
News: Proposition 25
News: Find Your Polling Place on Google
News: Debate on Proposition 23 with Dorothy Rothrock and Terry Tamminen
News: Meg Whitman is trying to have it both ways on Arizona's Law
News: dgfdfg
News: No Negative Ads Pledge
News: The Real Meg
News: Meg for Meg
News: Full NBC Jerry Brown vs. Meg Whitman Debate
News: 17 web resources to help you decide on election day
News: Meg Whitmans plans for C.A are the same as Arnold Schwarzenegger.
News: Are you on Twitter? Follow @StopProp23 & watch their doc
News: No on Prop 23 "Don't Mess with California" video
News: Brown Whitman Debate on the Dream Act
News: Brown, Whitman Debate Economic Woes in Calif.
News: Calif. Governor's Race Upended by Immigrant Maid
News: Spanish-Language Ads Attack Meg Whitman
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