Forum Thread: Proposition 21 - Yes or No?

What is Proposition 21?

            Proposition 21 establishes an $18 annual vehicle license tax to help fund State Parks and Wildlife programs. Once the tax fee is paid, it allows vehicles free admission to all state parks. Commercial vehicles, trailers, and trailer coaches are excluded from the tax. The fee would increase the money given to the parks up to $500 million, which is about $250 million more than the current amount given to the parks and programs.

Yes on Proposition 21

  • California's state parks and beaches are in danger and face damage that cannot be replaced.
  • Last year, nearly 150 state parks were shut down part-time or suffered deep service reductions because of budget cuts.
  • State parks strengthen the economy by attracting millions of tourists, who spend $4.32 billion annually in park-related expenditures in California, according to a recent study.

No on Proposition 21

  • Prop. 21 is just a way to bring back the car tax.
  • Politicians in Sacramento are already scheming to divert existing park funds to other wasteful programs so overall park funding doesn't increase but car taxes do.
  • The day will surely come when the $18 fee isn't sufficient, requiring another ballot measure to increase it.

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