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Rat Pack Election 10

Rat Pack Election 10 World is dedicated to the 2010 Elections in California. We are specifically exploring the Propositions, Gubernatorial Race and the US Congressional races in the 33rd, 34th and 35th Districts.
"Jerry Brown Campaign Videos" cover image
Oct 28, 2010

Hey Guys  post any any videos related to Jerry Brown's campaing in this thread. ...

"Full NBC Jerry Brown vs. Meg Whitman Debate" cover image
Oct 23, 2010

Here is the full NBC Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman debate. Enjoy. ...

"Meg Whitmans plans for C.A are the same as Arnold Schwarzenegger." cover image
Oct 20, 2010

This may be one of the best political ads by jerry Brown against Meg Whitman. Consider watching it.Is Meg Whitman following Arnold Schwarzenegger's steps? What do you think after watching this? ...

"Are you on Twitter? Follow @StopProp23 & watch their doc" cover image
Oct 19, 2010

I found this Twitter account from http://www.stopdirtyenergyprop.com/ As in their name, they're posting constant updates on Prop 23.  Follow them now to keep up to date on the campaign. They've also g ...

"No on Prop 23 "Don't Mess with California" video" cover image
Oct 19, 2010

Check out this video from actor / activist David Arquette to help bring attention to the Texas oil interests that are looking to overturn AB 32. What do you think? Is it an effective way to get the me ...

"Brown Whitman Debate on the Dream Act" cover image
Oct 8, 2010

On 2 October 2010 Univision held the first Spanish-English debate in the state, which was hosted by CSU Fresno. One of the issues discussed was the Dream Act. An undocumented student from Fresno State ...

""No on Proposition 23"" cover image
Oct 8, 2010

After analyzing the varied menu of Propositions on the California ballot this November, students agreed that one stood out in their minds: Proposition 23, which seeks to suspend implementation of Asse ...

"Brown-Whitman Gubernatorial Race 2010" cover image
Oct 8, 2010

After a careful analysis of the relative merits of the Democratic and Republican party candidates in this year's gubernatorial election (see previous threads on each candidate) the class has endorsed ...

"Brown, Whitman Debate Economic Woes in Calif." cover image
Oct 2, 2010

Notice how Meg Whitmans face reacts when Jerry Brown tells her how tax cuts will go to rich people like her and how it will take money away from schools.  Go Jerry you tell her!!! ...